Sunday, August 1, 2010


There are events in your life that so extraordinary and so unlikely, that they can't be chalked up to chance alone. Like when you think about a friend you haven't talked to in 10 years and...bam!-out of the blue, he or she phones you. Or when you're struggling to find the solution to a problem and...bam!-you pick up the paper click on the TV and there it is the answer. Whenever events like this occur, I see them now as Divine Guidance. A cosmic reminder of a Higher Power. Evidence that God is always watching us, steering us, sending us messages. I have heard scientist and scholars have all kinds terms for these events. Synchronicity. Fortuity. Happenstance. I don't have some Fancy name for it. Sixty-dollar words aren't my style. But, I do have an explanation. "Coincidences" are the everyday miracles of our lives. Everyday blessings. "Coincidences" are just God's way of staying invisible...much Peace ~Bruce Avery~

I had such a great day today. I had to vent in a good way. I'm done for today guys good-nite...much Luv!

T.i. Finally Marries Tiny!

Congratz T.I & Tiny, very proud of you to for remaining as one for so many years. Much Peace.

Alicia & Swizzy Wed in southern Corsica, Piantarella

Well it's done. Congratz Alicia & Swizz!...